Nikki Hainstock smiles at a cow sniffing her nose - Spiritwalk Retreats

I have been a Shamanic Practitioner and Teacher full time for the last 16 years. I was brought to shamanic work through witnessing a close friend undertake a medicine wheel after her life had been struck by tragedy. At this point I had explored so many healing modalities out there, from psychiatry, counselling and depth psychology to dream analysis, EMDR, aromatherapy, reflexology, reiki, to addiction therapy, regression therapy and hypnotherapy, to name a few. My friend transformed more in the course of a year than I had witnessed in any other kind of healing. I was drawn to do my own training. Through the tools and practices brought to me from the Medicine Wheel, I felt dramatic and tangible shifts in how I experienced life. My perception of literally everything changed and I received what I felt was a road-map to living in joy.

The Medicine Wheel is a training that brings each individual to their destiny, whatever that might be. After I had completed my wheel, I started witnessing different energies in, around and on people. Somehow I suddenly understood whether it had to be removed and how to remove it. Now, I had had some hands on healing experiences before and had worked as an intuitive for years, but this was very different and I had no point of reference for it. The first healing happened accidentally with the person I worked on communicating that they felt completely different after our session. The next was a curse removal that showed profound and life altering results within 24 hours. Then I felt called to a city where I knew only one person. Although I was still in shock around what I was experiencing, I did healings on the way there and back and again, received strong feedback. “You are the healer who came to heal the healers! You are the teacher who came to teach the teachers!” was emphatically and loudly relayed to me by one of the first people I worked with, a leader of the African American Women’s movement and National Slam poet champion. I was daunted but kept going.

Not sure of what was happening in my life, I was told to go to another city, again a place where I knew only one person. In the first week there I worked with 18 people, and that’s where it really began. I have done thousands of sessions since, working only by word of mouth. 16 years ago, I was called to start teaching Medicine Wheels. The honour of bearing witness and holding space for individuals through this transformative process is like nothing I could have ever hoped for or imagined.

I was also called to bring this work to the Canadian prison system. I taught at a Native Men’s Prison where I was again privileged to experience the profound magic and healing of this medicine. I have had the honour of working with over 45 North American First Nations lineages, including spending time at Wounded Knee with Lakota and Oglala Sioux Chiefs & leaders and as an alternative healer for the Squamish Nation for many years. Other folks I have worked with are members of the Cree, Blackfoot, Mohawk, Assiniboine, Ojibway, Sto’olo, Stahalis, Esquimalt, Nu’uchanulth, Niiska, Kaatsi, Metis, Dine, Algonquin, Musqueum, Lilloet, Mt. Currie nations. 

I have also trained and worked with over 18 shaman in Peru, with traditional Aztec practitioners and with the Caara and Huichol nations in Mexico. Since those first healings, I have never advertised, feeling that if the work worked, people would share that. And if it didn’t work, I didn’t want to be doing it. Over sixteen years and a several thousand healings later, I have moved away from my own doubts and disbelief in any of this and into a place of gratitude. I am honoured to be able to work with so many amazing individuals all over the world, guiding them away from lives governed by wounds to lives governed by the “beauty way”.

Namaste & Hiyaya!

(Thank You) & (Victory to the Heart)

Nikki is a powerful healer and light worker. She is beyond intuitive meeting you where you are at; sensing the right modality needed to further your soul’s journey.
— V.A. New York City, CEO/Business Executive